Creating Beautiful and Inclusive Spaces: The Power of Accessible Design

Creating Beautiful and Inclusive Spaces: The Power of Accessible Design

Designing an accessible home doesn't have to be boring or uninspired. With a few smart design choices, you can create a space that is both functional and stylish. As interior design experts, we know that accessibility doesn't have to come at the cost of aesthetics. Here are our top tips for designing an accessible and stylish home:

Embrace Universal Design: Creating spaces that are usable by people of all ages, abilities, and mobility levels is what universal design is all about. Incorporating features such as slip-resistant flooring, wide doorways, and lever door handles that can be easily opened with a closed fist or open palm will help you achieve a space that is both functional and stylish.

Rethink the Layout: The layout is everything in an accessible home. Ensure there is enough space to navigate a wheelchair or mobility device. Create wide, unobstructed pathways throughout the home and ensure there is enough space for turning around. If you're unsure where to start, consider consulting an interior designer who specializes in accessible design.

Choose Furniture Wisely: When choosing furniture, look beyond aesthetic appeal. Look for pieces that are both comfortable and functional. For example, consider adding a lift chair to help those with mobility issues get in and out of a seated position. Incorporating furniture with built-in storage, like an ottoman or bench, will also help reduce clutter and make the space more functional.

Lighting Matters: Good lighting is essential for an accessible home. Ensure the home is well-lit and there is ample natural light. Consider installing light switches at a lower height, making them easily reachable from a seated position. Additionally, to add a touch of elegance, consider incorporating a chandelier or pendant light fixture.

Add Personal Touches: Adding personal touches will make the space feel like a home. This could be artwork, family photos, or even a decorative throw pillow. Make the space your own and add a touch of personality.

By incorporating these tips and tricks, you can create an accessible and stylish home that is both functional and beautiful. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and consult an interior designer who specializes in accessible design. With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can create a space that is uniquely yours. Contact us at 8686 2258 or visit our website to learn more!

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